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Confetti Bath Bombs with dōTERRA Citrus Bliss

Confetti Bath Bombs with dōTERRA Citrus Bliss

Rejuvenate after a long week with these Confetti Flower Bombs infused with Citrus Bliss® Invigorating Blend. Add it to your bath and enjoy the bubbling, fizzling effect as the bath bombs disinegrate in the water.  

1 cup citric acid
1 cup baking soda
½ cup cornstarch
10 drops Citrus Bliss
Food Coloring
Tip: If you don't have a silicone mold, use cupcake liners. 
  1. Place citric acid, baking soda, cornstarch, and Fractionated Coconut Oil into bowl
  2. Add Citrus Bliss
  3. Mix well until soft dough is formed. It should have the consistency of mildly-damp sand and should hold together when pressed. If mixture is too wet, add baking soda and cornstarch
  4. Add food coloring and mix until color is evenly distributed
  5. Press mixture firmly into silicone mold and sprinkle the top with your favorite party sprinkles. Let dry for 24 hours before removing from mold
  6. To use, drop in tub full of water and allow to dissolve completely
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Nail Polish Remover with dōTERRA Citrus Bliss

Nail Polish Remover with dōTERRA Citrus Bliss

The next time you want to update your nail polish, skip the chemical-laden acetone removers and let citrus essential oils do the trick. Citrus Bliss contains seven citrus essential oils that are natural cleansers and create an uplifting aroma, allowing you to freshen your nails and boost your mood at the same time.

10 drops Citrus Bliss blend
2 ounces white vinegar or rubbing alcohol


  1. Add essential oils to a 2-ounce glass bottle and fill the remainder of the bottle with white vinegar or rubbing alcohol.
  2. Shake to combine.
  3. Add the solution to a cotton ball and rub onto nails to remove polish.
  4. Once polish is removed, wash hands before applying new polish.

Note: Avoid direct contact with sunlight or artificial UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying citrus oils to skin to avoid photosensitivity. 

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DIY Dish Soap with dōTERRA Oils

DIY Dish Soap with dōTERRA Oils

Everyone uses liquid dish soap so why not make your own? This super simple recipe is great for removing grease, adding shine, and waking up your senses.
2 cups unscented castile soap
  1. Fill a large, clean bottle with castle soap; dilute according to instructions if using a concentrate.
  2. Add essential oils. Shake bottle before each use.
  3. You're done! Just add 1-2 tablespoons to dish water for use.
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Essential Cologne with dōTERRA Oils

Essential Cologne with dōTERRA Oils

These cologne recipes have been tried and tested by both men and women and have all been unanimously given two thumbs up. Feel free to switch up the oils to make your own personal blend.

These cologne recipes are approximately 20% oil and 80% carrier oil based. If you want a stronger scent, you can make it a 30/70 ratio. The cologne recipes below are for a 10mL vial. 

Fresh Cut Grass:
12 drops Basil essential oil
6 drops Siberian Fir essential oil
13 drops Wild Orange essential oil
13 drops Bergamot essential oil
26 drops Citrus Bliss essential oil blend
doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil

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Body Wash with dōTERRA Oils

Body Wash with dōTERRA Oils

Scented body wash is a fun way to wake up your senses in the morning or calm them down at night. Scented body wash can provide valuable nourishment to your skin if it contains the right ingredients. Try making this easy DIY Body Wash with essential oils.

8 ounce glass pump bottle
½ cup unscented Castile soap
4 tablespoons vegetable glycerin
3 tablespoons Fractionated Coconut Oil
10 drops of your favorite essential oil

 Vegetable glycerin will help the body wash be thicker, creamier, and lather better.


  1. Combine ingredients into glass pump bottle.
  2. Add desired essential oil(s).

    Tip: For an uplifting body wash try these essential oils: Citrus Bliss, Peppermint, Grapefruit, Lime, or Eucalyptus. For a relaxing body wash try these: Lavender, Serenity, Bergamot, Geranium, or Roman Chamomile.

  3. Shake to combine.

Note: Make sure to shake before each use, as the ingredients will separate.

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